15 years of technical innovation in the software market

Senior Software celebrates 15 years of technical innovation in the market of software solutions for business management. With a unique portfolio in Romania, the company has been constantly evolving and today has over 400 projects implemented in 5 countries.

Logo Aniversar Senior Software 15 AniIn June, Senior Software celebrated 15 years of activity. Since 2003, our company has been innovating the market of software solutions for business automation and management, in a competitive economic environment, where 60% of the software industry in Romania is controlled by foreign investors.

Senior Software has a unique portfolio of solutions in Romania, covering all business components, from resource management, production and distribution channels to budget management and financial analysis. Additionally, our software systems are completed by implementation and support services, as well as hardware equipment required by the automation process, making Senior Software stand out from the rest of the suppliers.

„The Romanian business market is moving towards a digital world where data access is made from any type of terminal, and concepts such as IoT or Industry 4.0 are no longer considered science fiction. In the context of a labour shortage that is only going to get worse, companies want automated business processes that integrate with factories in a way that eliminates repetitive actions, making skilled employees more productive. Another area where productivity can be improved is to optimize complex operations such as generating plans for production, deliveries or inventory.

For all these issues, we have extremely powerful solutions that bring spectacular results. Effects are seen today in the evolution of our customer portfolio, as we are working with some of the largest companies in the market. For us, the most important resources are our employees and our customers, and on this anniversary we thank them and plan to continue growing together”, says Daniel Toma, General Manager at Senior Software.

Over the last 15 years, the company has implemented flexible software systems for businesses in various areas such as FMCG, retail, automotive, construction, furniture, pharmaceuticals, private medical services, industrial equipment and beyond, registering over 400 projects implemented in 5 countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, United Kingdom).

„Regency and Senior Software have had the opportunity to stand up for each other in situations where many have decreased financially or were unable to develop solid future prospects. For us, the solution they offered has brought countless benefits to the company, accelerated workflow and determined accurate reporting in real time. The relationship between the two companies is not just B2B,  but a human to human one. Senior Software is more than just a business partner, it’s a friend. Happy Anniversary!”, said Alexandru Mankoosh, IT Manager at Regency Company, our first customer.

If at the beginning, Senior Software has started with a single division, the company now has 6 divisions that implement intuitive systems like ERP, BI, SCM, MES, E-commerce and Hardware. The business is based on partnerships with renowned software vendors such as Microsoft, Mantis, Tableau Software, Siemens and Zebra Technologies. Moreover, the company operates in 4 locations in Romania (Bucharest, Constanta, Cluj and Iasi) with a team of more than 150 employees.
