ACM Grup : “With the B2B platform, our clients have absolutely everything integrated, just like us, any information being only a click away”

ACM GRUP, supplier of hardware and accessories for furniture, simplified its ordering process and increased the volume of sales following a partnership with Senior Software. With the help of the last generation technologies made available by the provider of software systems for integrated business management, the distributor makes the most of its resources, prepares orders quickly and without errors and designs effective business strategies.

ACM Grup is using the online B2B sales portal from Senior Software, which improved business performance by facilitating the accurate and quick processing of orders coming from Romanian furniture manufacturers. The solution dedicated to business-to-business transactions is perfectly integrated with SeniorERP – system for resource management.

This allows the hardware and furniture accessories supplier to always guarantee its clients access to updated data regarding products, stocks, prices or order history. Thus, the distributor who’s products are sold through both its online store as well as through its sales agents, managed to increase sales and customer satisfaction. As a result, in 2023, almost 90% of the company’s turnover was made through the new B2B platform.

The greatest benefits gained after migrating to the new resource management platform, from Senior Software, was integrating all modules in a single place. The perfectly connected systems help us gain immediate access to updated data, eliminate operation errors and gain increased control over the entire business.

Clients appreciate the B2B solution from Senior Software very much, because they have everything integrated, the same as us. They have access to products, prices, stocks, any information being available with one single click, and they can generated orders in a much more elegant way, more adapted to our century.

logo Comunicat ACM Grup implementare solutii software Romania
Daniel Grec
Sales Manager - ACM Grup

ACM Grup uses a complete pack of integrated solutions from Senior Software, the partnership between the two companies being the result of a detailed study of all informatic systems available on the Romanian market.

The systems used by the company are: Senior ERP – ERP system for resource management, SeniorVisualBI – BI software for analysis and reporting, WMS – warehouse management software and B2B – online sales portal. Among the benefits gained thanks to these programs, we count:

Registering 90% of the company’s turnover through sales from the B2B portal

Increasing picking speeds by 25% through the dynamic changing of warehouse routes

Automation over 90% of logistics operations

Accurately managing stocks and all business data

Improving customer relationships and simplifying the entire sales process

Easy identification of market trends & new business opportunities

pachet complet de solutii integrate de la Senior Software pe piata din Romania

Before benefiting from the support of these modern technologies, the company was facing a series of challenges caused by using limiting software. These didn’t allow processes to be connected or work flows to be automating, thus determining difficulties in managing and developing the business.

First we had an ERP implemented, as well as a B2B, but we realized that we need something much better. On the warehouse side we were using a semi automated solution that didn’t allow us to take a dynamic approach and the process wasn’t 100% fluid. Being a developing company we needed to perfectly manage stocks, sales and be up-to-date with our clients’ requests. 

Currently, we are using CRM from SeniorERP which is perfectly compatible with our needs, meaning that through its reporting, quotes and forms functionalities it gives us a clear idea regarding the market’s potential, helping us easily create offers adapted to our clients’ needs.

In the warehouse, with the new WMS solution from Senior Software, which is a system completely integrated with SeniorERP, we have automated absolutely everything. Regarding the Business Intelligence system, it helped us reach our desired goals with much better accuracy. I can say that SeniorVisualBi is a system that should not be missing from any company.

Daniel Grec, Sales Manager - ACM Grup

ACM Grup has a warehouse in Timisoara, with over 5,000 products in stock and has access to other 200,000 items which can be quickly shipped. Details regarding the changes that occurred within this company thanks to the partnership with Senior Software are said in the VIDEO case study, filmed at ACM Grup.

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