If you are looking for a business management solution, and you have reached the stage where you ask for the price, you will most likely not receive too many concrete answers – in other words, exact prices – before a presentation or discussion with the software provider. An accurate estimate can only be obtained after business analysis.
How much does a business management solution cost? Why can’t the answer be given on the spot?
Because you have to correctly identify the needs of the company. Such a system can cover all the activities of a company. Depending on the needs of your company, the type of business, the number of employees, the business flows and not only, you will find in your system the required functionalities, along with other functionalities that either are not for your type of business, or are not needed at the moment. .
- As part of a presentation followed by a business analysis, you will understand exactly what functionalities are compatible with your business, so choosing a licensing model is simplified.
- Last but not least, an offer also varies depending on the delivery model:
- SaaS (Online), which involves implementation costs and a monthly subscription
- On Premise, which involves user-level licenses
– maintenance
– hardware equipment
– implementation, training, post-implementation support
– customization and add-ons
- An answer received “on the spot” from a supplier can mean a superficial bidding process, which often entails hidden costs, does not cover all the real needs of the company and does not even consider developing a business.
- The ability of the software vendor to meet the company’s long-term needs is a very important aspect that must be taken into account when asking for an offer. Otherwise, you will need to change your system, which involves new investments, new training, an accommodation period, etc.
In the detailed needs analysis, you will be able to make a proper forecast on expenses and implicitly, correctly calibrate your expectations.