Resources & Useful information

Each company has their own unique work process and requirements, so choosing the right software tools for each department and type of activity is not an easy task. To help, we provided you with video materials, case studies, infographics and other documents, constantly updated to support you in your decision-making process.

Video case studies and useful articles

video Pangram (Monte Banato) - eficientizarea afacerii cu suita de sisteme integrate pentru managementul afacerii preview

VIDEO Pangram – Streamlining business with the integrated systems suite for business management

2021 VIDEO - Studiu de caz Terasteel implementarea APS studiu de caz client

VIDEO – Terasteel Case Study: APS Implementation

VIDEO – Delaco Case Study: WMS Implementation

2021 VIDEO wms a crescut eficienta operatiunilor din depozit cu 30%

VIDEO – uses WMS from Senior Software

VIDEO Case study The Top Market distributor increased the number of deliveries by 20%, after using the TMS software

studiu de caz video frigotehnica imagine preview

VIDEO: Frigotehnica – Transparency and increased control over the entire business with SeniorXRP

VIDEO – Binal Mob case study (Torockoi cheese): ERP, BI, SFA

VIDEO case study – Marvel “We gained time, therefore we gained money”

Magazinul ideal – ce este si cum te poate ajuta sa castigi la raft resurse 2018

The perfect store – what is it and how it can help you to win at the shelf

Logistics trends and strategies in 2022

Etapele stabilirii strategiei lantului de aprovizionare preview

The stages of establishing the supply chain strategy

6 rules for establishing the correct set of KPIs in evaluating supply chain performance

6 rules for establishing the correct set of KPIs in evaluating supply chain performance

Cum pot fi depasite eficient provocarile operationale din domeniul supply chain wms

How operational challenges in the supply chain field can be effectively overcome

Frequently asked questions

What is TMS (Transportation Management System)?

What is B2B e-commerce (Business to Business)?

What is B2C (Business to Consumer E-commerce)?

What is MRP? (Material Requirements Planning)?

ce inseamna crm resurse 2018

What is CRM (Customer Relationship Management)?

What is BI (Business Intelligence)?

What is SFA (Sales Force Automation)?

ce inseamna erp resurse 2018

What is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)?

What is WMS (Warehouse Management System)?

Other frequently asked questions

Is it necessary to interrupt the activities during the software implementation period?

cat costa o solutie de management al afacerii

How much does a business management solution cost and why can’t the answer be given on the spot?

cat dureaza perioada de implementare

How long is the implementation period?

How do I get support if the software provider is from another city?
