Uniprest Instal reduced the budgeting and reporting
time by 50%, with CPM from Senior Software

Uniprest Instal, an HVAC products distributor, generates detailed reports on several business areas in real time and manages revenue and expense budgets easily, with Senior Software’s CPM solution. The time spent on these processes was reduced by half when the company replaced Excel spreadsheets with performance management software. With the new solution, the Uniprest team gained a clear image of the entire business and of the necessary action directions.

The Uniprest Instal company from Mures, which is operated by the Dutch group Rensa, performs out its activities in a much more efficient way and closely follows the budget on each profit center, due to Senior Software’s CPM solution. Since replacing Excel files with the new performance management system, the distributor of heating installations and equipment reduced by 50% the budgeting and reporting time procedures.

The speed with which we see KPIs and the analyses we can perform are the most significant benefits gained as a result of implementing the CPM solution. The time spent on budgeting and reporting processes has been halved since we used the system provided by Senior Software.

With CPM, we work in a more professional way and it is much easier to track our budget. We can now see a far more detailed picture of our current situation thanks to system reports. We follow stock reports, working points and profit center situation, the suppliers and customers relationships, we can discover new opportunities and develop relationships with them. Actually, nowadays, through the fast processing of correct data, we can see the detailed situation in real time, not in a year.

logo uniprest instal 2022 new
Attila Fazakas
Managing Director

cpm – corporate performance management

Interactive dashboards and remote access to the app’s functionalities

Uniprest’s team can easily identify customers with a higher potential for sale thanks to the CPM / EPM system, these insights being valuable in establishing action plans. In addition to tracking sales by branch and customer, as well as sales by product group and subgroup, the distributor analyses the performance indicators from supplier relationships.

Uniprest representatives may create interactive dashboards that include KPIs to summarize business performance, and due to the CPM broadcasting system, these data are automatically transmitted to agents and sales managers in each region (data can also be transmitted to external users). Furthermore, Uniprest staff have remote access to the app’s functionalities, ensuring the flexibility required for remote work.

Visibility and control over costs and revenues, with the CPM solution

sistem software bugetare si raportare business intelligence

Another important feature achieved with the help of CPM solutions is the tracking of the impact of price increase on the business plans and on turnovers.

During this price increase period, we may track, via a report, the extent to which a business plan is influenced by certain increases in the prices of the products we buy from our suppliers, allowing us to determine the exact impact of price increases on our turnover. As a result, we have a clear picture of the cost-to-revenue ratio, information that we can use to develop a long-term strategy that results in a reasonable cost-to-revenue ratio and customer retention.

- added Attila Fazakas.

About Uniprest Instal

Uniprest Instal, a member of the Rensa group in the Netherlands, was created in 2009 and has its headquarters and logistics center in Targu-Mures. Its main activity is the national distribution of HVAC products (heating – ventilation – air conditioning). The distribution of the systems for installations (water, gas, sewerage, thermal and sanitary) is made through the company’s 10 working points, which cover the clients requests from all the counties of Romania. Uniprest Instal has partnership relationships with approximately 120 suppliers and a portfolio of approximately 300,000 products. The distributor’s turnover amounts to 47 million euros.

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